GW: Next Week’s Prices & Products CONFIRMED
The Genestealer Cult is getting rolling with week 2 on the way. You wallet will be subverted!
Week 1 of the insidious Genestealer Cults is behind us and the purple people eaters are worming thier way into your budget. Here’s what week 2 has in store:
via industry professionals:
Genestealer Cult Broodcoven $50 (Patriarch, Magus, Primus)
Genestealer Cult Goliath Truck $60 (combo kit)
Genestealer Cult Acolyte Iconward $25
Genestealer Cult Neophyte Hybrid Squad $45 (Cadian shock troopers, Heavy weapon team, with Cult Accessory Sprue)
Battlemat City Ruins: $85
Ultramarines Strikeforce Ultra: $250
Horus Heresy Corax: $30 (Hardback Black Library)
The Broodcoven looks like the unmodified Cult sprue from the Deathwatch Overkill box:
To me the big surprise is the Neophyte Hybrid squad, or Brood Brothers as we liked to call them back in the day. This is a very well priced kit combining the Cadian Shock Trooper kit, with a single AM Heavy Weapon Team and the upcoming Cult accessory sprue. A very flavorful kit!
There are still units that we have not seen yet like Aberrants, so there is certainly more to come.
~Who has felt the caress of the Genestealer Cult on thier wallet? Will you submit to the Stealer’s Kiss?