GW: November 25th “Mystery Release”

Something special is coming November 25th from GW, but what exactly?
Ok fans, word on the street is the next one of those “big release all hands on deck” special midnight release dates from GW is November 25th.
As you can imagine the speculation engines are up and running at full speed, so it is a good time to put together some dates we can figure out to see what we may be looking at:
It’s NOT Genestealer Cult
The Cult is looking like a 3-week release window on September 24th, October 1, October 8th. So whatever is coming it will be on the dar side of the purple folk.
It’s NOT the Heresy Boxed Set
November White Dwarf Leaks showed the Burning of Prospero Heresy Boxed Game on the cover. The October White Dwarf is imminant with a listed release date of September 30. The last friday in October would place the next White Dwarf at around October 28th. Dakka’s Guru says look for the November White Dwarf on the the 29th. The key is that the White Dwarfs now only talk about already released product. So that means by definition Burning of Prospero has to appear in the October 15 – 22 timeframe. Awesome news – but it still doesn’t answer our mystery.
What Else?
That leaves a variety of different suspects out there. The various rumors swirling around for that time of year are:
Warzone Wulfen Finale – WE know that at some point the sequal to Curse of the Wulfen is coming.
Chaos – Tzeentch / Magnus Release Window – There has beent alk for some time of a new Chaos Tzeentch centered release window. This is the start of a planned overhaul – extension of the Chaos range and Deamon Primarchs are said to be coming with it.
Blood Bowl – Blood Bowl’s release has been quoted at GW events as before the new year – so it is a possibility.
The “Largest Kit Ever” – finally there is that rumor of GW throwing out something very special and large this holiday season to get gobbled up by christmas shoppers.
~We’ll keep an eye on this one, but they don’t do these for any old minor release. What ever it is, GW will be screaming it from the hilltops soon enough.