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Lead Your Armies with a Custom Mini of YOU

2 Minute Read
Sep 11 2016
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With a few pictures, Imagine 3 Miniatures can turn YOU into your favorite tabletop character!

Why rely on a random sculpted hero or commander to lead your forces on the table? Now you can have a mini-me head your armies!

via Imagine 3D Miniatures:

Many of you have asked us for this service and thanks to 3D printing you can now get a custom figure of yourself. And the process is so easy: we just need a few pictures of your face, a picture or a design of the position of the body and the exact description of the details you want to add. We will also ask you for the shape of the base and the scale of the figure. The more info you give us, the best!

What goes next? Our 3D sculpting team will get started on the modeling of face and body. We will send you every update of the work in progress so you can also guide us through any changes you want to make. When this process is done, we will proceed to 3D print the miniature which you will receive in your home.

In this example, María, from Imagine 3D Miniatures team, poses with her “mini self”. She chose to be a steampunk sculptor for this awesome miniature.

Contact Them To Get Started


Want to miniaturize yourself? Are you looking for an awesome and unique gift? Contact us via [email protected]




Author: Mars Garrett
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