Privateer: September’s No Quarter Preview

Get a sneak peek at what’s in the next No Quarter – and the new way you can get it!
The next issue comes in a new format, and contains a tactics slant. Editor Lyle Lowery talks about the specifics in this Insider. Take it away Lyle…
“You’ve probably noticed the Privateer Press Online Store has been shined up and relaunched. With that, No Quarter digital subscriptions have been overhauled. Now subscribers will be able to download a digital PDF of the magazine and enjoy it on any app they want. That’s surely welcome news for people who are partial to their favorite readers!
No Quarter #68 will be in stores a week from today, on September 21. As the meta for the new editions of WARMACHINE and HORDES gels, No Quarter turns its attention to some more tactical and strategic articles. This issue has an article on basic list building that might change the way you approach army construction. “Tournament Triple Threat” also makes its glorious return with the first article for the new editions, this one on Khador. And the feared Hellmouth gets a tactical spotlight in “Guts & Gears” as well.
Battle report fans will get a kick out of “Legends Never Die(?),” a battle report featuring your favorite Crossroads of Courage league scenario, “The Legend of Ol’ Jeb.” And fluff…ers will appreciate Gavyn Kyle’s investigation into the Black 13th. For hobby enthusiasts, there’s an article on making trees for your tabletop, a painting guide for the Hellmouth, and a gallery of the fantastic winners of the Gen Con Formula P3 Grandmaster Painting Competition. If you’re an IKRPG player, the second installment of “Iron Kingdoms Uncharted” graces the pages of this fully loaded issue.
Here’s a look at the table of contents for No Quarter #68. Look for it in stores next Wednesday or subscribe to No Quarter magazine to ensure your regularly scheduled dose of Privateer Press goodness!”
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