Circle of Orboros: Ghetorix is Back

Circles oldy but favorite goat is back with a sweet new rescuplt. Check out the Mk.3 Ghetorix.
What Is It?
This is the classic circle character beast with a sleek new look. He is 21 points and FA:C.
What’s Ghetorix All About?
Ghetorix is circles goto melee monster beast. He is decent SPD6 MAT7 DEF14 and ARM17. He has 2 melee attacks, a bite RNG1″ POW14, and a Great Axe RNG2″ POW17. With Fury 4 he is pretty standard melee beatstick. His threshold is only 8 so careful if you leave fury on him. Ghetorix can easily get up to POW21 with things like Forced Evolution or spells that lower armor like curse of shadows.
Animus: Spiny Growth. Ghetorix with Spiny Growth is ARM19. That isn’t going to keep him up vs most melee beasts but, it should keep him relatively safe vs non shenanigan guns.
Murderous: Ghetorix can warp to get 3 dice on melee attacks vs warrior models. Don’t let Grix get to your caster because he won’t need much help hitting if he goes murderous.
Snacking: The troll like ability lets Grix heal up a bit if he kills a living model.
Warp Strength: +2 STR. The classic wolf warp and probably what Grix will be warping a majority of the time.
Regeneration: Like a troll he can force to heal if his spirit isn’t out.
Lists for Ghetorix:
Ghetorix is probably going to be in the majority of Circle lists you see. It is a hard argument why you shouldn’t take him. A Stalker is close but, just not the same reliability that Ghetorix brings. He doesn’t have pathfinder so remember that when planning to dream crush if there is terrain in the way. Circle already has some pretty standard lists with Wurmwood, Tanith, and Kaya2. I like the unbeaten path, so lets look at Baldur2.
Ghetorix with Spiny is ARM19 but with Roots of the Earth he is ARM22. Now we are talking, even Imperatus is a little sad when he is dice off damage.
Circle Army – 50 / 50 points
(Baldur 2) Baldur the Stonesoul [+30]
– Megalith [20]
– Ghetorix [21]
– Gorax Rager [7]
Sentry Stone & Mannikins [5]
Sentry Stone & Mannikins [5]
Warpborn Skinwalkers (max) [15]
– Warpborn Skinwalker Alpha [4]
Blackclad Stoneshaper [3]
This list has some heavy armor to deal with during Baldur2’s feat. And Ghetorix can lay out the pain to anything that failed to kill him.
Revenant’s thoughts on Ghetorix?
This is Circles goto beast. He is pricey at 21 and as I said earlier no pathfinder is :(. However, with Primal and spells like stone skin or forced evolution he can easily clear off even some of the heaviest armor in the game. If you are looking for the heart of circle , look no farther then Ghetorix.
~What do you think of the classic character beast of circle BoLS? Please share in your comments below.