Eternal Crusade: Into The Warp: #85 “Grav Weapons”

Eternal Crusade brings on the Grav and shows off the Scale of the Elite Units!
via Eternal Crusade
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Brent Ellison, Katie Fleming, and Noah Ward recently gave a Production Update (Size Comparisons of Terminators/Meganobz, new Eldar appearance items, and grav guns), played Eternal Crusade live with Crusaders, and answered Q&A!
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The Behaviour Crew does their homework – That’s the Eldar Codex: Craftworlds!
New Howling Banshee goodies!
Alternate Paint Schemes coming too.
Art work update for the Striking Scorpions.
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Very cool size comparison. These models are just the rough sizes, not taking into account animations and things like joints & articulation. But they do provide a good sense of scale.
The Space Marines are getting the Unique Grav Weapons in the game. They have all new VFX and sounds.
Grav Weapons also mess with the target’s speed – they actually slow the target when they are hit. They are less effective in terms of killing infantry vs other weapons. They are really designed to be used in conjuction with other weapons to slow opponents and allow the other weapons to maximize their effect. They also fire in a “Beam” so you an hold down the trigger. The graphics for the beam also have some cool effects while it’s in use – check out the video for the full effect!
And GravCannons are also in the game!
Overall, good update and lots of info. It’s great to see the strides and steps they are making on this game. It’s a constant improvement week-over-week in terms of content getting added and polish being applied. Balance wise, it’s always a constant struggle, especially with 4 races and tons of weapons. It’s still going to take some time to get everything right but this Dev Team is looking at the numbers and will adjust as they have in the past.
If you want to jump in and join the mayhem you can pick the game up via Steam:
Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade
Those Grav Weapons look pretty cool when in use!