Geekery: Wolverine III Gets a Title

And a slightly odd poster. Come take a look and let us know what you think.
Behold… Logan!
Who has really, abnormally large hands for some reason. There was a conversation in the office about the hand sizes in this… that ended with everyone agreeing that it’s a little odd. It’s not a kid’s hand, but it’s small… and… yeah.
That’s my hand holding Logan’s in the new poster. #tender
— Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) October 5, 2016
Moving on…
The Wolverine movies have been hit or miss – all miss if you ask some fans. James Mangold returns to the character after directing 2013’s The Wolverine. The screenplay was written by Michael Green who was behind every DC fan’s favorite Green Lantern in 2011, and new comer David James Kelly.
Mangold shared a page of the script on twitter yesterday to go along with the release of the poster. Looks like he’s not playing around…
Page two of our screenplay.
— Mangold (@mang0ld) October 5, 2016
The folks at Empire were nice enough to make the top section easier to read:
“Now might be a good time to talk about the ‘fights’ described in the next 100 or so pages. Basically, if you’re on the make for a hyper choreographed, gravity defying, city-block destroying CG f**kathon, this ain’t your movie.
AdvertisementIn this flick, people will get hurt or killed when s**t falls on them. They will get just as hurt or just as killed if they get hit with something big and heavy like, say, a car. Should anyone in our story have the misfortune to fall off a roof or out a window, they won’t bounce. They will die.
As for our hero, well, he’s older now and it’s clear his abilities aren’t what they once were. He’s fading on the inside and his diminished healing factor keeps him in a constant state of chronic pain – hence booze as a painkiller.”
There are some rumors running around about the story being set in a dark future where mutants are becoming rare. The poster hints to the possible inclusion of X-23. There’s also the thought that this one may earn a hard R – Deadpool opened a door for it. Lots of maybes at this point.
The one thing that’s for sure: this will be the last time Jackman puts on the claws. Say what you will, but the dude has done a great job with the character over the last 16 years.
Logan is due out March 3, 2017
What are your thoughts on Old Man Logan making a big screen debut?