GW Minis, Sisters of Battle, Heresy & Trollbloods

You missed a lot of good stuff this weekend tabletop fans. Let’s get started:
Plastic Kits GW NEEDS to Skyrocket Horus Heresy
Plastic Warhammer 30K is off to a fantastic start with Calth and Prospero. Here’s what it needs to really explode!
40K: Sisters of Battle Evidence is Piling Up
People have been begging for plastic Sororitas for years but some rumors AND images have turned up recently. Look at this:
Horgle the Anvil: Privateer Painted Mini Pics
Get ready for some great shots of the upcoming Trollbloods mini. He’s looking great – and on fire!
GW: New Releases October 29th “Pricing & Links”
The Age of Sigmar’s Silver Tower Heroes arrive on the scene along with some more Games Workshop products this week.
GW: Halloween Costume Ideas
Halloween is on Monday and you don’t have a costume? Here are some awesome costumes to inspire you!
FFG Weekly Releases: Star Wars & LotR
Episode VII and Middle Earth hit the tabletop this week. Take a look.
AdMech: Where Are My Bloody Transports
Mastodons, Stormbirds, Goliaths, Custodes, Sisters….blah, blah, balh. Where the hell are transports for the guys who build everyone else’s wheels?
~Ok, you’re all caught up – now onto the new week.