Halloween Spooky Tales: 10 Word Edition
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Can you believe we’ve been doing our Spooky Halloween Tales for 9 years!
We want you to create a (very) short story. The setting can be 40k, Fantasy, Age of Sigmar, Warmachine/Hordes, Infinity, Star Wars, Dungeons & Dragons, or heck – anything gaming related! We want to see what you can whip up to scare, chill, and impress us all. Throw your best stuff in the comments, and check back all day to find your favorites.
~Here is the default BoLS 10 word spooky story to get your creative juices flowing. Tell your friends, hammer out those little stories, and let’s have a happy BoLS Halloween!
“Fulgrim gazes into a mirror darkly; it blinks. Erebus smiles”
Now get your pens out and terrify us with tales from your favorite wargaming world. Oh, and I almost forgot… BOO!