HOBBY: The Bigboss’ Week of Blogging #103

This week it’s a PiP on the LoC, more members for the INQ tzeentch cult and a WiP on the truescale terminator!
Hi! Tommy from the blog bigbossredskullz. I’m also on Facebook and on Instagram.
Don’t have any more pics of the LoC there but hopefully I can have him finished by next week.
I do have something that’s finished though.
The Mad Max inspired muscle for the tzeentch Acolytes is ready to pulp something! More.
The 8th member is ready for a lick of paint as well.
He’s a Cataphractii pattern Rubric terminator and the guardian of the head honcho for the Acolytes – Hurvald. More.
That’s it for this week! Make sure to check out my blog as I update several times a week.
Next week it’s more on the LoC and the terminator!