Horus Heresy: Burning of Prospero Confirmed

The new boxed game for the Horus Heresy has been spotted – Burning of Prospero is Inbound!
It’s official – The Horus Heresy: Burning of Prospero is heading to stores near you. Are you ready for the next stop in the Horus Heresy from Games workshop?
via Imgur
The Horus Heresy: Burning of Prospero $150
WOW! Let’s take a look at the breakdown:
- New Ahriman
- New Space Wolf Model – Geigor Fell-Hand
- 5 Tartaros Terminators
- 30 Legion Veterans
- 5 Custodian Guard – Brand New Plastics!
- 5 Sisters of Silence – Brand New Plastics!
- Tons of Board Game accessories
- Mark III Space Marines – completely compatible with the Space Marine Range
Plastic Sisters (of Silence) and Custodian Guard
This new box set isn’t just going to introduce new plastics to the game – it’s also going to be a super good deal. I guess they weren’t joking about those “Plastic Sisters” in the Red Bin after all…
So now we have a new Daemon Primarch, Thousand Sons & Space Wolves, and Plastic Mk. III Power Armor as well. Perhaps these are the kits that the rumors were talking about yesterday.
via Sad Panda
“Moopy: I sincerely hope that the 1k Sons sprue ISN’T from the new end of the year HH boxed set with the custodians.
A:It’s not. The HH Marines in the game will be generic (except for the two characters).
AdvertisementBut they come from the same CAD portfolio. Take, say, the computer models of generic 30K Tartaros Pattern Terminators, add 40K bling, change poses, switch a few weapons -> 40K Rubric Terminators. Saves time and effort and costs.
Same for the Tzeentch models. It was a massive design portfolio that included everything from Tzaangors to LoC and Magnus. They may not be the same sprue, but include lots of computer “bitz” and design elements from a large, newly created Tzeentch-design-elements-library.
(Similar approach for Khorne, Stormcast, etc..). “
Whatever the case – The next Horus Heresy game is on the way with tons of new miniatures and options. Of course this means we’ll probably be getting new data sheets and probably formations as well…The Hype-Train has left the station!
There aren’t any Wolves on Fenris cause they are on Prospero BURNING IT DOWN!