Leman Russ, Blood Bowl, Titanicus & More!

New Primarchs & Specialist Games news. Get ready tabletop fans – there is a TON of news that broke this weekend. Take a look:
Games Workshop held European Open Day this weekend and all kinds of things broke from the show.
FW: Leman Russ At European Open Day
Leman Russ makes his debut at Warhammer European Open Day – Come see the latest!
GW: New Releases October 1 “Pricing & Links”
The Genestealer Cult’s Second Wave arrives and the Space Marines get a fantastic deal!
GW: Blood Bowl At Warhammer Euro Open Day
Games Workshop is teasing even more Blood Bowl goodies this weekend – Come see the latest pics making the rounds!
40K: Deathstars – Why They Work
One gamer takes a look into why Deathstars are so effective on the tabletop.
Warhammer Euro Open: Adeptus Titanicus Info
Games Workshop drops some more info about Adeptus Titanicus – Epic Battles & Giant Robots here we come!
Hawk Wargames: Dropfleet Commander Ships
Hawk Wargames has given the green light- Dropfleet Commander is shipping out!
2 MASSIVE Paint Sets from The Army Painter
HOLY MOLY! Every Hobbyist needs to take a look at this pair of MASSIVE paint sets coming out just in time for the holiday season.
GW: Burning of Prospero Mystery
There’s something strange in a new image out from GW’s Weekend show showing the Battle of Prospero:
~Ok, that should get you all caught up. Onto the new week!