Mantic: Join the Dungeon Saga Rules Committee

Have a say in Dungeon Saga development and FAQs!
Mantic is looking for new Rules Committee members to playtest, create FAQs, and work on new game content. They greatly value the input from the committee when designing games, and use them as a bridge between the company and players. Right now they need some folks that are into Dungeon Saga to help with ongoing development and support.
We have some plans for Dungeon Saga and we now want to create a small Rules Committee for the game. If you would like to be a part of this unique group and be engaged in the ongoing support and development of your favorite Dungeon Crawler, please read on!
We are only looking for a small team so we need to make sure that team has the skills we need to make it a success. If you are interested in applying for the DS RC, please can you email Matt Gilbert with the following details:
1. A brief description about you and the games you play, why you want to join the RC and why you are the right person. 300 words max please!
2. How long you have been playing Dungeon Saga for with your gaming group.
3. Any fan-based material you have created (with links).
4. A small example scenario you have created for the game as an example of your work. The scenario should have a narrative introduction of up to 250 words.The closing date for application for the DS RC will be the 14th October 2016 and the successful applicants announced shortly afterwards.
If you’re a Dungeon Saga super fan that thinks your up to the task send Matt an email! If this proves successful they may be looking for folks to help with Star Saga, as well.
Help make your favorite Dungeon Crawler even better – Join the Dungeon Saga Rules Committee!