New Silver Tower Releases Unboxed

The new Warhammer Sliver Tower releases are in and we have an unboxing and review for you! You’re not gonna believe this incredible value!
If you haven’t already played Warhammer Silver Tower then we highly recommend it. This four player board game is extremely fun and will keep you engaged for hours.
The second upgrade pack is a great value at $55 that includes roughly $100 worth of minis.
The official Games Workshop Hero Cards are here and it includes 43 additional cards that will allow you to use all the models you already have in Silver Tower.
Warhammer Quest: Arcane Heroes: $55
The tales and legends of the Silver Tower are numerous indeed; each recalling a different band of unlikely allies, champions finding themselves banding together in the lair of a Gaunt Summoner of Tzeentch. Some seek the glory of a boon from the Gaunt Summoner, others wish to learn his true name and thus strike him down – all must navigate the sheer horror of the Silver Tower.
Only the greatest champions of both good and evil can hope to succeed. These five heroes have found themselves subject to the Gaunt Summoner’s ever-shifting domain:
Advertisement– a Grey Seer;
– a Chaos Sorceror;
– a Knight-Heraldor;
– a Sorceress;
– and a Skink Priest.This box set contains five plastic Citadel miniatures, with rules for use in games of Warhammer Quest Silver Tower. Includes 2 Citadel 25mm Round bases, 2 Citadel 32mm Round bases, and a Citadel 40mm Round base.
Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower Hero Cards: $25
The Gaunt Summoner’s lair requires more heroes! Presenting a set of 44 additional hero cards, each containing the rules to use a model from your Warhammer Age of Sigmar collection in your games of Warhammer Quest Silver Tower!
The Characters
AdvertisementGrot Shaman
Savage Orruk Warboss
Orruk Weirdnob Shaman
Orruk Warchanter
Nomad Prince
Black Ark Fleetmaster
Warden King
Auric Runemaster
Grimwrath Berzerker
Skink Starpriest
Saurus Oldblood
Grey Seer
Skaven Warlord
Great Bray-Shaman
Lord of Plagues
Slaughterpriest With Hackblade and Wrath-hammer
Aspiring Deathbringer With Goreaxe and Skullhammer
Exalted Deathbringer With Impaling Spear
Exalted Deathbringer With Ruinous Axe
Lord of Chaos
Tzeentch Sorcerer Lord
Chaos Sorcerer Lord
Wight King
Skeletons (for the Necromancer to summon)
Head over to Games Workshop to get your Hero Cards and Arcane Heroes! If you haven’t already picked it up, then you can get the Silver Tower game here!