New Warmachine-Hordes Models Unveiled

Privateer Just unveiled 4 new models. Protectorate, Cryx, Skorne & Cygnar all get some love.
Knight Exemplar Officer $15.99
Stern, humorless, and intense, the officers of the Knights Exemplar lead their detachments with a holy fervor that inspires even the most capable among their ranks to greater martial prowess. Unflinching in the face of terrifying threats and hopeless battles, these officers ensure the commands of the scrutators are executed to perfection. While absolute loyalty and obedience is expected of all Exemplars, it is the officers who make certain this standard is upheld.
Satyxis Gunslingers $24.99
3 models, metal
Storming the decks of ill-fated ships to the crackle of gunfire and flashes of brilliant green light, Satyxis gunslingers channel their unique blood magic through the barrels of their pistols. As hybrids who combine the dark rites of the Satyxis and the intuitive magic of the gun mage’s art, gunslingers weave fell sorcery to sow death and destruction among the enemy ranks.
Tiburon $64.99
The legendary titan Tiberion has seen battle in a dozen wars and proven his mettle over a decade of service to his honorable master, Tyrant Xerxis. When a battlefield position must be held at any cost, Tiberion stands as invulnerable against charging enemies as stone stands against the endless pounding of the waves. Entire formations of enemies have confronted him only to be shattered by his indomitable wrath.
Stormsmith Grenadiers – $24.99
3 models, metal
Cygnar’s stormsmiths do not balk at the strange and sometimes hazardous mechanikal innovations conceived by the brilliant mind of Artificer General Sebastian Nemo. These men and women embrace such lightning-spewing creations with the same enthusiasm and curiosity that first drew them to the stormsmithing arts. Bringing experimental storm chamber technology to the front lines, grenadiers create volatile electrical fields able to take on different properties of electromagnetism and kinetic force.
All of these models will be on store shelves by end of October.
~I like the Satyxis Gunslingers myself. Which one’s your favorite?