The Future of 9th Age & the 9th Scroll

The latest news from the 9th Age – new army books are coming!
As we continue to work towards the next stable rule set, version 2.0, the next iteration of T9A will be version 1.2, aimed to be released on 25 October. This update will seek to correct a number of Army Book balance issues that have been recognised, as well as some significant changes to the Main Rulebook. The crucial changes to the Main Rulebook will be a reorganisation of army structure and a full redesign of the Paths of Magic. Version 1.2 is expected to run for three or four months, and periodic updates will continue until the game is at a level where we feel comfortable enough to lock into the rule set for 2.0. Version 2.0 will be the stable rule set we have all been waiting for, and it will last significantly longer than any prior version.
In addition, we have now designed a new Army Book update system, where the production teams will work on only three or four books at a time, and have four months to work on them before they are updated. The first Army Book Cycle should begin in early 2017, and will address Dread Elves, Daemon Legions, Infernal Dwarves, and Warriors of the Dark Gods.This new update system should allow us to periodically correct balance issues that become apparent in the game without needing to change the Main Rulebook nor impose beta testing stages. Additionally, it will allow us the time to go into great depth with the storyline behind each particular army book, akin to the style of the already released Sylvan Elves and Undying Dynasties Full Armybooks.
We are also hard at work on the development of The Ninth Age’s background. The Full Rulebook will include background information on every faction, as well as a hoard of stunning artwork from our Art Team. This should be released before the end of the year.
Furthermore, we are fully aware the T9A can be a daunting game to dive head-first into. The rules are so detailed, the armies so large, and the games so intricate that it can be an intimidating task for newcomers. For this reason, we have a team working on our Quick Starter Rule set. These rules will offer a stand alone game that teaches the basic concepts of T9A on a smaller and less complicated scale. We hope to release this soon after the Full Rulebook.
Finally, we are pleased to provide for your viewing pleasure the very first T9A Magazine, The 9th Scroll! It draws from a range of T9A content and information, including showcasing some stunning models, and collects them in a handy and fun to read format. As a special treat, the first version offers some sneak peeks of Version 1.2, with an example and explanation of the new format for Paths of Magic and Army Structure. Be sure to check it out – The 9th Scroll!