40K: Fort Fight – Tidewall vs Redemption

Which Fortification is better? Games Workshop chimes in with the Pros and Cons of each!
The Games Workshop Webteam is at it again and this time they are comparing two of the mightiest fortifications in the Grim-Dark. It’s the Fortress of Redemption vs The Tidewall Rampart:
via Games Workshop (Warhammer 40000 Facebook)
“Hard to choose – they’re both great. These two fortifications are both back in stock now. Perfect for a game of Planetstrike, but at home on any battlefield of the 41st Millennium.“
They might both be great but one of them can’t even fly while the other is affront to the machine-god. I think you know which one to choose…
Tau Empire Tidewall Rampart $160
An enormous mobile fortification, with enough firepower to see off entire squadrons of enemy tanks, the Tidewall Rampart is an awesome demonstration of the advanced tech and forward-thinking of the Tau Empire. Central to this strongpoint is the Tidewall Gunrig; a twin-linked railgun that scans constantly for enemies, discharging ammunition at incredible velocities to obliterate anything that moves. The Droneport collects and collates data to optimise the killing potential of the Gunrig, and the networked AI actively boosts the energy barrier produced by the Shieldline – enemy fire is simply turned back upon the foe.
Fortress of Redemption $115.50
The Fortress of Redemption is an indomitable fortress, a towering bulwark against the ravages of planetary invasion. First used by the Dark Angels of the Adeptus Astartes, these unyielding fortresses have since been used by every military force in the Imperium of Man, and have proved invaluable in the war against disorder. A nigh on unassailable stronghold, the Fortress of Redemption bristles with weaponry, a missile silo and two bunker annexes.
I’m glad to see they are having some fun with the options in Planetary Onslaught. Both of these forts are pretty great choices. Personally, the choice is pretty easy – I don’t have any Tau so I can’t see myself picking up a copy of the Tidewall. Then again the new Battleforce is looking pretty tempting. Plus the Start Collecting boxes are already a great deal…I have been looking for an excuse to get a copy of Kill Team also.
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Well what do you think? Which fortification takes the cake? Will the Tidewall Rampart reign supreme or with the Fortress of Redemption stand firm?