40K Rumors: Codex Imperial Agents Factions

GW formally announced Codex Imperial Agents, and some new info on the factions within is circling around.
via GW 11-19-2016
“December also sees more books on the way that all Chaos Space Marine and Imperial commanders should immediately be adding to their Gift Lists. We’ll have more details on all of these for you soon, but for the moment, here’s a tantalising glimpse into the covers of the future:”
Reader Redemption threw up this text description of the codex that reads a lot like a retailer product description:
Loyal sons and daughters of the Imperium take heart, as whilst the Ruinous Powers may seek to be in ascendance as the year wanes, the God-Emperor’s most righteous agents stalk the stars ready to enact his will.
Codex: Imperial Agents contains nine subfactions of the Imperial war-machine, from agents of the Inquisition to Wyrdvane Psykers of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica to reinforce your armies of the Imperium. After all, Deathwatch Kill Teams and Imperial Assassins are just as likely to be found working alongside regiments of the Astra MIlitarum or Space Marine strike forces as they are working by themselves, giving the Armies of the Imperium increased tactical choice and scope to conquer any foe.
Within this volume you’ll find background and rules for using nine smaller factions alongside your existing armies of the Imperium, from the Grey Knight Terminator squads to the BATTLE SISTERS OF THE ADEPTA SORORITAS.Followed by:
“Well, as it says to hold 9 factions, it’s hard to think of 9 imperial subfactions without the GK or SoB in that list. The most obvious 8 would be, considering the text:
Grey Knights
Sisters of Battle
Sisters of Silence
Adeptus Astra TelepathicaSo the last one would be? Arbites or something?”
This book is a real mystery and sounds not like a single unified codex, but something more akin to a WFB “Dogs of War” style book with a large set of a la carte units to add onto Imperial armies. You will note that many of several of those factions are available in digital only format currently, or in hard-to-find out of the way publications.
~What is the 9th sub-faction?