40K RUMORS: December Releases

There’s a new set of rumors doing the rounds on what is headed your way this holiday season:
via B&C’s SoneoftheRubric21 (11-4-2016)
“So a Gentlemen on Facebook (I wont post the name out of respect) Who had some reliable information in the past posted a supposed “Release list” for December.
Daemon Primarch Magnus
Plastic 40k Ahriman
Plastic Rubric marines
Plastic Rubric terminators
Advertisement40k Tzaangors (bizarre but asked twice regarding this)
Sorcerer Cabal (Not sure if new models or re-packaging)
and at the end of december; Plastic Canoness for Sisters of Battle…..
The books are supposedly War Zone Fenris 2
AdvertisementTraitor Legions (not known if a rules book, an art book)
supposedly 8 mega force bundles in december between 40k and AOS (even split) “
- We have already seen Magnus and the blurry sprue of Thousand Sons from GW.
- Warzone Fenris 2 is known to be on the way – and said for some time to come out before the end of the year.
- Note how the Traitor Legions talk ties into the last set of rumors here:
- Normal GW holiday fare is holiday bundles so that is no surprise.
- Finally, yet another data point on the “Sisters of Battle are returning” theme. I think that makes 5 so far. The trend continues.
~Have at it.