40K: Top 5 Chaos Kits That Need New Models
With Traitor Legions on the horizon there are lots of Chaos Models that need some love – Here’s our list that we want to see!
Chaos Space Marines have been the “big bad” in 40k forever. They have had several generations of sculpts for different units over the years with the Thousand Sons getting the latest update. And let’s not forget Kharn’s new model either. Games Workshop’s technology has come a long way and the new sculpts are evidence of that. So with that in mind, here’s our list that we’d love to see get redone:
When Traitor’s Hate was just a rumor I had my hopes up that maybe, just maybe, we might get some new Berzerker models. Fundamentally there is nothing wrong with these models. Well, except for their limited poses (which are basically either milking a cow or attempting to take flight). Even looking at the Blood Warriors or Bloodreavers from Age of Sigmar you can get a great idea of what GW could do with the Berzerkers now.
Chaos Space Marine / Havocs
Anyone want to check to see how old these sculpts are? Too late – I already did. These were copyright 2006 – they are over 10 years old at this point. That’s actually not too bad all things considered.
But it’s about time we get a new and improved box for the humble Chaos Space Marine. Considering their loyalist cousins have gotten more than just a rebox or two in the same time span. With the technology Games Workshop has now they could jam-pack those sprues full of new bits and weapons (like more heavy weapon options for the Havocs who need some love). At worst they could just update the armor to look like older Mk II and IV kits – kind of like the Thousand Sons – only without the Egyptian motif.
How is this not a dual plastic kit already? These models NEED to be in plastic just for the conversion possibilities. On top of that, it’s probably the only way to get Mutilators to sell…have you seen the rules for these guys? I’d rather take Possessed – and have you seen the rules for THOSE guys?! Yeah, who am I kidding – I’d just make Obliterators with them. Still, this seems like an easy way to get rid of two resin kits and create a cool new plastic kit.
Fabius Bile (circa 1996 – 2nd edition codex)
The Tall Man of 40k needs a new model. He hasn’t been updated (like most of the Characters in 40k actually) since 2nd Edition! He needs a new model just because his crazy Techmarine-esque Surgeon arms are both creepy and functional. Plus he’s wearing a super creepy skin-coat over his power armor. And can we get an updated “staff” for him too? I was torn between his model and Lucius the Eternal for our countdown. But seeing has how I just snuck in both of the Emperor’s Children characters into one entry I’ll call that a win!
Abaddon (circa 1996 – 2nd edition codex)
Okay – this one I’m 100% serious about. Games Workshop can we PLEASE get a new Abaddon model? I mean, I did the same thing everyone else did and kit-bashed one using the Terminator Lord Kit. But I went the extra mile and actually used Abaddon’s head, Talon and Sword. That means between the two models I bought to make Abaddon, I spent at least $50 retail to build my conversion. Would I pay another $50 for a new Abaddon model? Absolutely! Why? Because he’s Abaddon! And with the next Black Crusade I’m rooting for the bad guys…
Bonus: Doomrider
There are LOTS of models in the Chaos line that could use an update – which ones would you like to see redone?