D&D: Classic Editions Back in Print

All your favorite D&D modules are back in black…and white.
The books are back in town!
If there’s one thing every gamer loves, it’s arguing about which edition was the best. Now that Wizards of the Coast is making classic editions of D&D available for print-on-demand, you’ll be able to prove once and for all why you’re right and anyone who disagrees is a terrible person. Oh, and I guess you can relive your favorite memories and delve deep into the storied roots of Dungeons and Dragons.
“And you’re dead. And you’re dead. And you’re dead…”
Though their partnership with DriveThruRPG, Wizards has quietly released a number of books that span its entire publication history, from classics like Castle Amber, Den of Thieves, and Mordenkainen’s Fantastic Adventure–all the way to more recent editions like 3.5’s Draconomicon.
Yup. That Mordenkainen. Not pictured: his sword, faithful hound, and magnificent mansion.
There are only a few titles out right now, but this is something that fans have been wanting for a while. Also worth noting, the Elemental Evil Player’s Guide is available for print on demand–so it looks like Wizards is maybe willing to let you print up things that would normally just exist digitally. And since Wizards has been doing this without much fanfare, it’s hard to believe that they’re not planning to release more for a big push later on.
You can see a full listing of available titles here:
Dungeon Masters Guild
Maybe we’ll get to see some of our favorite old school modules soon.
What are some books you’d love to see reprinted?