Five Ships FFG Needs in SW Armada

Always in motion is the future, so what does it hold for our beloved game and what ships should come to Star Wars: Armada?
In general I’ve stayed away from trying to predict what ships will be added by FFG to either Armada or X-Wing. But hey, what if’s are fun, so today I want to take a quick look at a handful of ships that I think totally need to be added to the games. Journey with me in the deepest depths of Star Wars lore and beyond! Just remember there may have been a good reason Disney made the Expanded Universe non-canon…
5.The Sun Crusher
It looks kind of like a flying saucer and a pyramid mated, ah ha! Illuminati confirmed!
Ah, the Sun Crusher, is there any ship more beautiful, more powerful, more well loved in all Star Wars lore? Small as a fighter, yet with the power to destroy whole star systems and armored enough to shrug off a Death Star’s super laser, this ship has made it’s mark among the fandom. This ship is the perfect addition to both X-Wing and Armada, a perfectly balanced and not at all OP, ship to help rip though the current meta, like the hull of an Imperial Star Destroyer. Adding it to the game would make it a must have for any serious player and an instant best seller for FFG. As for me, well with a Sun Crusher in my list, how can I lose (barring random black holes), it’s the perfect strategy.
4. The Hapan Battle Dragon
Are there a lot of Dragons that don’t engage in battle out there? Some Peace Dragons or something?
Dragons are very in vogue lately so what better addition to Armada than the Hapan Battle Dragon. Built by a power, yet secretive race that showed up out of nowhere, almost like a writer invented them when needed, the Hapan Battle Dragons are fearsome ships, carrying loads of heavy guns and fighters and able to go a whole year without refueling. Though this last is presented as a plus, a part of me does have to wonder, since it was pretty much the first time I’d ever heard Star Wars ships worrying about fuel. Is going a year between fueling actually a good thing? But I digress. Hapan Ships would be a cool addition to our Star Wars games, adding much needed roundness and the fact that they are full of impossibly beautiful people can bring a simile to your face as well! For a fun special rule instead of paying points for them you can just discard a Princess Leia card.
3. The Darksaber
In any setting but Star Wars this would actually look like a practical ship.
Forget the Executor or the Viscount the true giant ship that Armada needs is the Darksaber. This amazing ship is what happens when you take all the star out of the Death Star. It’s basically one giant super laser with some engines, which sounds amazing. The fact that it looks almost exactly like a colossal lightsaber is just a random coincidence, you really should’t read anything into it. Of course it does have some draw backs, namely that it never really worked and has a serious weakness for asteroids. But who cares! Just imagine that model on the table top, taking up a good quarter of it. Sure it’s size would mean it would hit an obstetrical the first time it moved, and yes it’s special rules would mean it would be destroyed by this, but hey! You’d be accurately recreating Star Wars, and that’s what we really want, right?
2. Every Yuuzhan Vong Ship
Totally not tyranids
People are always clamoring for new factions to shake up Armada and X-Wing and what better than the wildly popular Yuuzhan Vong? Introduced later in the setting the Yuuzhan Vong are a race of extra-galactic being that have traversed the vast reaches between galaxies in their living bio-ships in a quest for conquest. As they arrived in the setting they unleashed a hoard of biologically mutated warriors to invaded worlds so they could be striped of resources and terraformed. Though there success was great, eventually a long lasting war of attrition lead to their defeat at the Battle for Macragge. Anyway. the point here is that these guys are awesome and well loved by all, they would make a great new faction and possibly draw in confused players of other games. Lets add them to the game!
1. The USS Enterprise
To boldly pick the low hanging fruits
Because how else are we going to settle the Star Wars vs Star Trek debate?
That’s all for this poor attempt at humor, BoLS fans. Did you find an even crazier ship we missed?