FW: New Knight Heads Out Now

Does your Questoris Knight need a face-lift? Forge World has 4 new Knight Heads available for Pre-Order now!
Forge World now has 4 new Knight Heads for your Questoris Knights. If you want to make your Knights look different than your typical ones then these are a great way to stand out.
via Forge World
Imperial Knight Head I £10
For millennia the Knight Households have stood strong, defending their homes from the xeno scourge and joining the Great Crusade to reclaim the lost worlds of humanity. Those with close ties to the Forge Worlds of the Mechanicum often fielded rarer Knights such as the Styrix and Magaera alongside Knight-Paladins, Knight-Errants and other common patterns.
The faceplate of a Questoris Knight can be as individual as the Scion piloting it, or be replicated through an entire Household, no matter the pattern of Knight wearing it. Across the vast network of Knight Worlds and Mechanicum forges, variations on standard templates are numerous. Divergences in technologies, materials, local lore and traditions can produce Knights with the same fearsome power but wildly different aesthetics.
This Imperial Knight Head can be used to personalise any plastic or resin Imperial or Questoris Knight from Forge World or Games workshop. It is a multi-part resin upgrade. You could use this head to personalise a Knight in your collection, or to give a unified look to every Knight in your Household.
Imperial Knight Head II £10
This Imperial Knight Head can be used to personalise any plastic or resin Imperial or Questoris Knight from Forge World or Games workshop. It is a multi-part resin upgrade. You could use this head to personalise a Knight in your collection, or to give a unified look to every Knight in your Household.
Imperial Knight Head III £10
This Imperial Knight Head can be used to personalise any plastic or resin Imperial or Questoris Knight from Forge World or Games workshop. It is a multi-part resin upgrade. You could use this head to personalise a Knight in your collection, or to give a unified look to every Knight in your Household.
Imperial Knight Head IV £10
This Imperial Knight Head can be used to personalise any plastic or resin Imperial or Questoris Knight from Forge World or Games workshop. It is a multi-part resin upgrade. You could use this head to personalise a Knight in your collection, or to give a unified look to every Knight in your Household.
These new Knight Heads will be available directly from Forge World this weekend at the Warhammer World Open Days. So if you want to grab them first then you’re going to have to make it to the show. For the rest of us, you can Pre-Order them today and they are slated to ship out next week.
Don’t forget, if you are attending you’ll have a chance at grabbing one of the Warhammer Open Exclusives – a fifth Knight Head:
In addition to the 3 Ceratus Knight Heads, these additional heads do add some variety for your Knight Houses. I think I like Knight Head III the best out of these 4 – but I’m partial to the “big optics” look.
Which of the 4 Knight heads are your favorite of this batch?