Geekery: First Look at ‘Valerian’

Fifth Element fans, you’ll want to see this – Luc Besson has created another colorful space epic.
There are a lot of familiar things in this trailer – and I’m totally ok with it.
Tis feels like The Fifth Element on steroids… and maybe a little LSD. Just a little
It’s based on the French comic Valérian and Laureline by Pierre Christin and artist Jean-Claude Mézières, which was first released in the late 1960s. The story features a duo interstellar agents – Valerian and Laureline – that are tasked with keeping the peace in the giant city of Alpha. The city is home to 17 million humans and aliens from all over the galaxy. In the course of thier duties they discover that someone is out to destroy the peace that has been built in the giant metropolis.
Cast includes Cara Delevingne, Dane DeHaan, Ethan Hawke, John Goodman, Rihanna, Clive Owen, and mother-fing Rutger Hauer.
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets hits theaters on July 21, 2017.