GMM SHOWCASE: Stunning Freehand Reaver

Enjoy this completely freehand Reaver Titan. Funny, I remember when a Reaver was the biggest toy on the block!
While the Warlord was a little bit of everything, both in terms of the customer’s favorite art and imagery of the Imperium, the Reaver is more about Imperial Guard. Guard is his main army, and seemed like a fitting secondary to the Warlord. Lord Solar makes two appearances as does some different units and armor of the fighting Imperial Guard.
Without further ado here are a few panels from the Reaver. Hope you enjoyed them, and as always if you want a place to see all the images together plus many more that couldn’t fit here, be sure to check out the gallery on whichever site you prefer.
Thanks, and until next time!
~ Stunning work from GMM. I have no words – but I’m sure you do.