GW: Rumor Engine Teaser - Elf Edition? - Bell of Lost Souls
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GW: Rumor Engine Teaser – Elf Edition?

2 Minute Read
Nov 25 2016
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Games Workshop is already teasing upcoming products with an “eye” for detail – check this out!


Games Workshop’s is again teasing the community with upcoming products. Here’s the latest one one:

via Warhammer Community

“Last week, we saw a close-up shot of some sort of mechanism – bolts, brass and vents, but quite exactly what, Emperor knows.

Today, something a little more esoteric.

What do you think this is?”




Right off the bat this is screaming Elves/Eldar to me.  Look at the gemstones in particular.  It does have a “rustic” feel to it as opposed to the crisp hard edged style of Craftworld Eldar – making me lean towards Age of Sigmar.  If you look sharp, you can make out what may be a hand clutching the standard at the very bottom of the image.

We haven’t heard a peep from the Elves in the 8 Realms asise from Sylvaneth so that might be where this is headed.  The descendants of the High Elves might be flying their pennants in the new year.  Others say it feels like either Tzeentch, or maybe even the staff of an Imperial Astropath.

Of course maybe we’re totally wrong and it’s Eldar Exodites!




Here’s last week’s tease:

via Warhammer Community



What do you think? Are the Eldar or Elves getting some love coming soon? What other educated guesses do you have?


Author: Larry Vela
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