GW: Space Hulk Returns in December

The brutal classic returns to shelves this December in board game form. Prepare to board the Space Hulk!
Space Hulk isn’t just returning to PC this December it’s also coming back to the tabletop as well.
via Warhammer TV
This December, we’re bringing back a classic: Space Hulk. Blood Angels Terminators fight their way through a derelict Space Hulk infested with Genestealers… you might need a bigger stocking…
via miniwars
Now this does appear to the a re-release of the latest version of Space Hulk.
It’s got all of the same components and miniatures shown as well. Space Hulk is a pretty brutal game for both players as the Space Marines try to complete some pretty tough objectives vs an unending horde of Genestealers. The Terminators can keep them at bay as long as their dice cooperate but if a few rolls go south the Genestealers can quickly turn the tide. And to top off the stress level turns are timed! You better keep up or you’ll get left behind in the cold, dark depths of the Space Hulk.
I’ve gotten my fair share of games in and it’s a unique experience because of the high-pressure stakes. The timer might not seem like that big of a deal but it does something to amp-up the adrenaline. If you missed out on Space Hulk the last time you’re getting another shot. And if you were hoping to make your fortune speculating board game prices on this one…sorry, it’s back!
It’s a little hard to tell but it looks like Space Hulk will be hitting stores December 3rd – which is a Saturday. So keep your eyes open for that to show up on Games Workshop’s website soon too!
Do you have what it takes to enter the Space Hulk and survive?