Specialist Games Wishlist 2017
Games Workshop has been cranking up Specialist Games all year. But what does the community want the most?
Since early 2016, GW has been quietly spinning up Specialist games and expanding the line of classes board/mini games that will be returning to the tabletop.
We already we have formal announcements from GW of
- Blood Bowl (SHIPPED)
- Warhammer Quest (SHIPPED)
- Adepts Titanic
- Necromunda
- Battlefleet Gothic
…so again it seems safe to say many, if not all, their old “side game” franchises are coming out of retirement for our gaming pleasure.
But what other treasures might we see? What products or approach might see your wallet beg for mercy in 12 months time? Remember that over the decades GW has tested out almost every market segment out there from CCGs, to boardgames to RPGs.
Here’s a couple of product lines to start you off.
The Roleplaying Games
With the breakup between GW and FFG, what will happen to the entire RPG line of products for both Warhammer and 40K? There has been a steady stream of these RPG products for years and now – we are left with a gaping hole. RPGs are one of the fastest growing segments of the games market and GW can’t just let the segment languish. One way or another, these need to come back. There is nothing quite like role-playing in the grim dark with your friends. Age of Sigmar also opens up 8 new realms of adventuring opportunities.
The Boardgames
Next up remember that GW had a long history of cranking out standalone boardgames for their universes. FFG greatly expanded that and now – the segment lies dormant. With GW’s deep IP, they can’t let all of these titles wither on the vine.
~Tell us what titles and products GW needs to revive under the Specialist Games line first (and why) in the comments.