White Dwarf Review: Blood Bowl, Chaos Edition

Checkout the all the awesome Blood Bowl and Thousand Sons Chaos features in the newest December White Dwarf!
This issue features some great Blood Bowl Content as well as Jervis Johnson taking the lead on the very first battle report for that new edition!
On the hobby side there is not one but TWO new paint splatter articles on the new Skaven team, and the Thousand Sons Marines featuring the new blue paint they just came out with!
Speaking of Thousand Sons, there is a TON of features on the new models themselves, as well as showcases on all the new products coming from them over the new two weeks as well!
White Dwarf Magazine $9
Good evening, sports fans – December’s White Dwarf is here to kick off a new season of Blood Bowl, the game of fantasy football! We’ve got a great feature introducing the game, a Paint Splatter for the Skavenblight Scramblers and Editor Matt Keefe takes on the game’s designer, Jervis Johnson, in our exclusive Match Report! On top of all that Blood Bowl madness, Magnus is back! That’s right – Magnus the Red becomes the first Daemon Primarch to appear as a Citadel Miniature, and alongside him come a great new range of Thousand Sons. We’ve got a first look, a stage-by-stage Painting Guide for the Thousand Sons and a great background feature on Magnus. All that and there’s still room for a giant Stormcast Eternals Army of the Month, Blanchitsu, Golden Demon, A Tale of Four Warlords, a grab bag of new rules and much, much more.
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The Wolf and the Cyclops – a sneak peek at the seventh book in the Horus Heresy series from Forge World.
Hall of Fame
Spike! Magazine
Good Evening, Sports Fans – everything you need to know about Blood Bowl.
Golden Demon
A Tale of Four Warlords
Temporal Distort
Army of the Month – Ben Johnson’s Knights of Azyr
The Blood Bowl Match Report
Armies on Parade
New Rules – for Warhammer 40,000, Lost Patrol, Imperial Knights: Renegade and Deathwatch Overkill.
The crimson King – the life and times of Magnus the Red
’Eavy Metal
Assault on Muster Tredecimma – a battleground of heretical proportions
Paint Splatter – Skavenblight Scramblers and Thousand Sons
Basing Masterclass
Parade Ground
Readers’ Models
In the Bunker
~Don’t miss this one folks, it’s look like a great hobby holiday is on the way for everyone. Stop by you local game store and pick up your copy Black Friday weekend!