2016 Best Plastic Miniature of The Year

We’re proud to announce our pick for the Best Plastic Miniature Kit of 2016!
2016 has been a jam packed year for the Tabletop Gaming Industry. It was incredibly difficult to choose just one kit/model that we felt was the best one of the year. For plastic kits they had to be mass produced kits. That included unassembled plastic, pre-assembled plastic and/or pre-painted plastic kits. So here are our humble Honorable Mentions first off – in alphabetical order:
Honorable Mentions
Hammerfall Seige Crawler – Warmachine – Privateer Press
House Hadross Pit Fighters – Wrath of Kings – CMON
Kurnoth Hunters – Age of Sigmar – Games Workshop
Sky Pirates – Malifaux – Wyrd Games
U-Wing – Star Wars: X-Wing – Fantasy Flight Games
All of these kits we very impressive – they showcased some amazing sculpting, fantastic packaging (either on the sprue or in the box) and really had a strong visual theme that was unique to their respective game system. The Hammerfall Siege Crawler captures the Steam-punk vibe that is Warmachine perfectly. The Pit Fighters, Kurnoth Hunters, and Sky Pirates are all outstanding additions to their respective game lines with their impressive sculpts and strong visuals. And the U-Wing could be the future of miniature gaming on the tabletop. It’s got movable wings, comes pre-assembled and has a pre-painted look that most tabletop gamers would be hard pressed to beat.
However, while the editorial staff here at BoLS was impressed by each of these kits, only one kit could take home the award for Best Plastic Kit…
The Winner IS…
Magnus The Red
Magnus The Red is an amazing kit. It’s large, plastic and highly detailed. But at the same time the kit has different options for the head and weapons. Aside from that, it’s a kit that is also impressive from a technical and production standpoint. And while some folks may not like all the horns this model has to offer they can’t deny that it’s still a striking kit visually.
One top of all that Magnus is huge step forward for the worlds most popular tabletop wargame. Magnus The Red shows that Games Workshop still has quite a few tricks up their sleeves and they are ready to use them. The Editors here at BoLS never thought we’d see the day when an actual plastic daemon primarch would be created by Games Workshop. But here he is in all his Red, Tzeentchy Glory!
There were TONS of plastic kits released from more companies that we could even count. What were some of your favorite ones from 2016?