40K Rumors: The Next Plastic Primarch is…

We’ve got rumors from several sources chiming in on what’s coming post Wrath of Magnus.
Where did we leave off?
I’m coming for you Grand-Dad!
Oh right – Magnus has escaped from the Eye with his entire legion and returned to Prospero, the Space Wolves have been summoned to the Cadian Gate, The legions of Chaos are on the march in the opening moves of a new Black Crusade. Last but not least, the High Lords of Terra know the Daemon Primarchs are coming.
Heading into 2017 we know the Sisters (both kinds) are making a return, and there has been talk for months of a master plan to bring Abaddon’s latest Black Crusade right to the Emperor’s door.
The Rumors:
Two sets from different folks.
The first set of industry sources tells BoLS:
- The next 40K campaign is focussed on the Dark Angels
- It will be in the same style/format as Warzone Fenris, but focussing on the Fallen’s fight against chaos.
- The Dark Angels will recieve the next plastic Primarch: Lion El Johnson
This morning a source aver at Faeit chimed in with corroborating intel: (regarding Dark Angels)
“…received a summons from the High Lords if Terra to get to Cadia (as did the Wolves and almost everybody else!) However, something else has caught their attention and they must intercept it fast.. although the dilemma is.. if they don’t get to Cadia, it will look very suspect and could cost the Imperial dearly in their defence.. but I’d they don’t intercept this ‘thing/person/army’ (can’t say!!) then it could also, equally spell doom for the Angels and the Imperium.. or so they think.. who knows? 😉
The first book is called The Hunt and is focused on the Angels and their Successors and the second book is called The Fall and is focused The Fallen and Chaos..
It’s leading into a race to Terra for the 13th Crusade.
It also features a loyalist Primarch returning, you guessed it, The Lion.. and everybody’s favourite Hide and Seek champion Zahariel.. I mean Cypher!! “
~Both of these line up, leading us to believe there is something behind them.