GW: New Releases December 31 “Pricing & Links”

The Games Workshop new releases are here and ready for Pre-Order. Get ready for an Armoured Assault & More!
After a few weeks off the Games Workshop team is back with a ton of new bundles and paint sets. If you do the math, some of these are really quite the deal!
via Games Workshop
Skyhammer Tactical Insertion Force $165
The greatest warriors the galaxy has ever known, clad in intimidating power armour and loosing off barrages of immense firepower, the Space Marines are tasked with protecting and expanding the Imperium of Man. Launched from orbit in Drop Pods, they smash into the battle lines of the enemy from above, the ground shaking as the pod doors slam open and the Space Marines disseminate the wrath of the Emperor.
This immense bundle collects together 3 of the Space Marines Skyhammer Tactical Squad boxes – that’s a total of 3 10-man Space Marines Tactical Squads, and 3 Drop Pods, ready to send them roaring directly into the heart of battle.
Tyranid Tervigon Brood Progenitor $60
Able to strip entire planets bare of all life in what seems no time at all, Tyranid swarms are amongst the most dangerous predators in the galaxy. Their Termagants are agile and cunning, scuttling ever forward while blasting away with anti-personnel bio-weaponry. They are spat forth by a Tervigon, a horrifying living incubator whose size belies its speed.
This great-value set contains a box of 12 Termagants and a Tervigon.
Necron Warrior Ark Phalanx $60
Implacable, emotionless and almost unkillable, Necron Warriors form the cold, unbeating heart of a Tomb World’s armies. Entirely single-minded in their mission, following through their commands to the bitter end without question, they are transported to their missions in Ghost Arks, imposing and arcane vehicles covered in bizarre dynastic glyphs, orbs, and murderous gauss flayers.
This great-value set contains a box of 12 Necron Warriors with 3 Canoptek Scarab Swarms, and a Necron Ghost Ark, which can be optionally built as a Doomsday Ark.
Space Wolves Skyhammer Wolf Pack $55
Viewed by some as wild, even barbaric, the Space Wolves are nonetheless a proud brethren, as noble as they are fierce. Those who dare to oppose them quickly feel the fangs of the wolf around their throats, for the Sons of Russ are dedicated to the hunt – slamming down onto the theatre of war in Drop Pods, the ultimate shock weapon of terror and surprise.
This great-value set contains a ten-man Space Wolves Pack, and a Drop Pod with which to send them hurtling into battle.
Dark Angels Gauntlet Tactical Squad $55
A Space Marine Chapter of the First Founding, the Dark Angels have fought in the Emperor’s name for thousands of years, battlefields and war-torn worlds echoing to the roar of their boltguns and the bellowed cries of their battle-brothers. Carried into battle in Rhinos, incredibly hardy armoured transports, they conduct surgical strikes on the enemy line.
This great-value set contains a ten-man Space Marines Tactical Squad, a Rhino, and a Dark Angels Upgrade Pack.
Blood Angels Gauntlet Tactical Squad $55
The battle-brothers of the Blood Angels Tactical Squads are amongst the most accomplished warriors of the Chapter. Exceptionally flexible and able to fulfill any battlefield role, Tactical Squads carry a broad range of equipment and are equally well suited to attack or defence. When on the attack, they utilise the Rhino – the perfect balance of transport capacity, armour and manoeuvrability,
This great-value set contains a ten-man Blood Angels Tactical Squad, and a Rhino, ready to transport them to their next mission.
Ork Trukk Boyz $55
Tough, determined, and prone to cascading down upon the enemy in great walls of bellowing green, Ork Boyz are the cheerfully anarchic rank and file of an Ork force. Not exactly subtle, they hack great chunks out of the enemy lines with their heavy weaponry, transported to and from each battle in their Trukks – ramshackle constructs of corrugated iron and belched smoke, customised to represent its warband.
This great-value set contains a box of 11 Ork Boyz and a Trukk, covered in bolted-on bits, ready to bring the anarchy.
Astra Militarum Cadian Armoured Fist $55
Rank after rank of the Astra Militarum stand stout in the face of insurmountable xenos threats, levelling their lasguns and unleashing blazes of fire. Mere men in a galaxy of gods, their bravery and determination cannot be overstated. They call upon some of the most durable and practical vehicles of the Imperium to aid them in their struggle – the Chimera is the perfect example.
This great-value set contains a box of 10 Cadian Shock Troopers, and a Chimera.
Dark Eldar Kabalite Skysplinter $55
The cruellest and most rapacious of their caste, hungry for power and thirsty for the suffering of others, Kabalite Warriors are merciless fighters of murderous intent. They ride Raiders into battle, bladed skycraft of impressive manoeuvrability bearing dark lances and disintegrator cannons.
This great-value set contains a box of 10 Dark Eldar Warriors and a Raider.
Tau Empire Optimised Pathfinder Team $55
Light reconnaissance units, Pathfinder Teams are the eyes and ears of their Commander in a way no drone can yet emulate. A Pathfinder’s foremost role is not to engage the enemy, but instead to operate ahead of their comrades, close to their foe, to accurately scout the enemy. They are aided in this task by their transport, the TY7 Devilfish; fast and manouevrable, it boasts a burst cannon for those times when stealth just doesn’t get the message of the greater good across.
This great-value set contains a Tau Empire Pathfinder Team consisting of 10 Pathfinders, a Pulse Accelerator Drone, Recon Drone and Grav-inhibitor Drone, and a TY7 Devilfish.
Chaos Space Marines Chaos Desolator Squad $55
Though they once strode the galaxy as noble defenders of Mankind, a lifetime of unremitting war has driven the Chaos Space Marines to worship the gods of Chaos. These fell deities have rewarded them with arcane powers, daemonic war machines and hellish weaponry with which to slaughter the armies of the Emperor. The Chaos Rhino is their transport – a hellish, foul distortion of the Space Marines Rhino, covered in spikes and fury.
This great-value set contains a ten-man box of Chaos Space Marines, and a Chaos Rhino, the terrifying, blood-stained Chaos transport.
Eldar Dire Avenger Skyblade $55
First amongst the Aspect Warriors of the Eldar, the Dire Avengers represent the War God’s unending thirst for vengeance upon a galaxy of woe. Merciless and unyielding in their devotion, they are carried to war in Wave Serpents, protected inside and out by force fields and powerful shuriken cannons.
This great-value set contains a box of Dire Avengers, which makes either 5 Dire Avengers or 4 Dire Avengers and a Dire Avenger Exarch, and a Wave Serpent.
Space Marines Skyhammer Tactical Squad $55
The greatest warriors the galaxy has ever known, clad in intimidating power armour and loosing off barrages of immense firepower, the Space Marines are tasked with protecting and expanding the Imperium of Man. Launched from orbit in Drop Pods, they smash into the battle lines of the enemy from above, the ground shaking as the pod doors slam open and the Space Marines disseminate the wrath of the Emperor.
This great-value set contains a ten-man Space Marines Tactical Squad, and a Drop Pod, ready to fling them directly into the heart of battle.
White Dwarf January 2017 $9
It’s the first White Dwarf of the New Year, and with it come a host of new features to kickstart your hobby year. First up we’ve got Mustering for War, a new series looking at getting your armies ready for battle, beginning with James Littler’s ‘step-by-step’ approach. Next, it’s First Blood, where Digital Editor Melissa gets to grips with playing Warhammer Age of Sigmar, before the third of our new features – Realms of Battle, beginning a new series of (much requested) terrain articles. Nostalgic for 2016? Well, we’ve got our Review of the Year! Oh, and Abaddon has invaded Cadia, too… The Gathering Storm has begun, but what does it all mean for the Imperium and the galaxy? Find out in our special feature. All that plus a host of your favourites including Golden Demon, A Tale of Four Warlords, Ultimate Guide, Paint Splatter and much, much more.
Planet Warhammer
Spike! Magazine
The Gathering Storm – can it really be the Fall of Cadia?
The White Dwarf Review of the Year
The Slayer of Demons – we interview three-time Slayer Sword winner David Soper
How to Win a Golden Demon
Mustering for War
First Blood – A clash of new and ancient foes
Realms of Battle – building and painting scenery.
The Emperor Protects – our battle report
The Ultimate Guide to… Tzeentch’s Disciples.
A Tale of Four Warlords
Golden Demon: Warhammer Age of Sigmar
Parade Ground: Blood Bowl
The Battle of Vesh’yo – a mega-display featuring Tau and Adeptus Mechanicus.
Temporal Distort
The Noble and the Wicked – two armies from Golden Demon winner Joe Oliver
Paint Splatter
Readers’ Models
In Da Bunka!
The Horus Heresy: Cybernetica (Hardback) $24
Soon after word reached Terra of Horus’s nascent rebellion, Mars fell. Rogue elements within the Mechanicum priesthood, stirred by the Warmaster’s promises of independence and prosperity, turned against the Imperium and forced the primarch Rogal Dorn to order an impenetrable blockade of the Red Planet. Now it has become clear that the corruption has spread too deep, and that more drastic measures must be taken if the Forge World Principal is to be reclaimed. Calling upon the expertise of those who witnessed the so-called ‘Death of Innocence’ firsthand, Lord Dorn and Malcador the Sigillite consider their final solution – the complete extermination of all life on Mars.
The Horus Heresy returns to the Solar System… No, we’re not at that battle quite yet. But what are the lords of Terra going to do about Mars…? Cybernetica delves into some of the darkest secrets of the Mechanicum and shows the lengths to which the Imperium is willing to go – and the rules they are willing to break – to exterminate the traitors.
Written by Rob Sanders
Citadel Paints: Ultramarines $15
A fantastic way to get started on painting an Ultramarines army, this box contains a pot of every colour you need to complete your first set of models. It fits perfectly with the Citadel Essentials set – grab one of those along with this and you’ve got everything necessary to begin your hobby journey.
Included are 6 3ml pots of Citadel paints:
– Gehenna’s Gold
– Eshin Grey
– Runefang Steel
– Steel Legion Drab
– Calgar Blue
– Nuln Oil
Citadel Paints: Blood Angels $15
A fantastic way to get started on painting a Blood Angels army, this box contains a pot of every colour you need to complete your first set of models. It fits perfectly with the Citadel Essentials set – grab one of those along with this and you’ve got everything necessary to begin your hobby journey.
Included are 6 3ml pots of Citadel paints:
– Warpstone Glow
– Eshin Grey
– Runefang Steel
– Evil Sunz Scarlet
– Screaming Skull
– Nuln Oil
Citadel Paints: Space Wolves $15
A fantastic way to get started on painting a Space Wolves army, this box contains a pot of every colour you need to complete your first set of models. It fits perfectly with the Citadel Essentials set – grab one of those along with this and you’ve got everything necessary to begin your hobby journey.
Included are 6 3ml pots of Citadel paints:
– Fenrisian Grey
– The Fang
– Russ Grey
– Verminlord Hide
– Nuln Oil
– Runefang Steel
Citadel Paints: Tau Empire $15
A fantastic way to get started on painting a Tau Empire army, this box contains a pot of every colour you need to complete your first set of models. It fits perfectly with the Citadel Essentials set – grab one of those along with this and you’ve got everything necessary to begin your hobby journey.
Included are 6 3ml pots of Citadel paints:
– Evil Sunz Scarlet
– Dawnstone
– White Scar
– Mechanicus Standard Grey
– Nuln Oil
– Fenrisian Grey
Citadel Paints: Skitarii $15
A fantastic way to get started on painting a Skitarii army, this box contains a pot of every colour you need to complete your first set of models. It fits perfectly with the Citadel Essentials set – grab one of those along with this and you’ve got everything necessary to begin your hobby journey.
Included are 6 3ml pots of Citadel paints:
– Evil Sunz Scarlet
– Screaming Skull
– Rhinox Hide
– Runefang Steel
– Eshin Grey
– Nuln Oil
Citadel Paints: Orks $15
A fantastic way to get started on painting an Ork army, this box contains a pot of every colour you need to complete your first set of models. It fits perfectly with the Citadel Essentials set – grab one of those along with this and you’ve got everything necessary to begin your hobby journey.
Included are 6 3ml pots of Citadel paints:
– Biel-Tan Green
– Warboss Green
– Eshin Grey
– Runefang Steel
– Screaming Skull
– Nuln Oil
Citadel Paints: Eldar $15
A fantastic way to get started on painting an Eldar army, this box contains a pot of every colour you need to complete your first set of models. It fits perfectly with the Citadel Essentials set – grab one of those along with this and you’ve got everything necessary to begin your hobby journey.
Included are 6 3ml pots of Citadel paints:
– Waystone Green
– Screaming Skull
– Carroburg Crimson
– Wild Rider Red
– Runefang Steel
– Dawnstone
Citadel Paints: Astra Militarum $15
A fantastic way to get started on painting an Astra Militarum army, this box contains a pot of every colour you need to complete your first set of models. It fits perfectly with the Citadel Essentials set – grab one of those along with this and you’ve got everything necessary to begin your hobby journey.
Included are 6 3ml pots of Citadel paints:
– Reikland Fleshshade
– Ushabti Bone
– Cadian Fleshtone
– Runefang Steel
– Loren Forest
– Nuln Oil
Citadel Paints: Necrons $15
A fantastic way to get started on painting a Necron army, this box contains a pot of every colour you need to complete your first set of models. It fits perfectly with the Citadel Essentials set – grab one of those along with this and you’ve got everything necessary to begin your hobby journey.
Included are 6 3ml pots of Citadel paints:
– Caliban Green
– Warpstone Glow
– Moot Green
– Eshin Grey
– Runefang Steel
– Nuln Oil
Battlegroup Hammerblow $749
Appropriately named for their intensely aggressive tactics on Agrellan, Battlegroup Hammerblow were commanded by Colonel Schwarznek – a name associated with a desire for carnage. The Scout Sentinels roamed ahead of their comrades, calling in airborne Scion support at the the first hint of enemy presence. Once the Tau were engaged, the Hammerblow’s collective armoured might poured fire and hate in massive quantities onto the battlefield, damaging the Empire’s advance enough to justify their attrition.
This huge bundle brings you an immediate collection of the Astra Militarum’s finest! You’ll receive a huge number of miniatures – two Cadian Command Squads, two sets of Cadian Shock Troops, three Sentinels, two sets of Militarum Tempestus Scions, three Leman Russ’, four Chimeras, a Valkyrie and a Baneblade! Armour, air support and troops in one package. Includes web exclusive rules*!
*rules are in English only.