GW: Rumor Engine “All Your Bases”

Games Workshop has another teaser from the Rumor Engine. It’s a base of sorts…
Let’s see what the Rumour Engine has churned out for us today…
What in the name of Sigmar and/or the Emperor could it be?
In case you missed it, our previous snippet can be found HERE.
Now, a couple of things:
- We are looking at the base of a model. You can see the static grass, the painted lip of the base and basing sand/materials.
- It’s likely some type of cloak or robe.
- There are gems and some type of design on the left part of the image
- The link takes you back to a previous teaser
Is this part of the same model? Possibly. Maybe it’s just a clever ploy to throw us off their scent.
Based on the etching from “base” I’m still getting a very strong Dark Elves/Eldar vibe, especially combined with the “previous snippet” teaser. But it could also be something undead – at this point only GW knows and they aren’t going to spill the beans.
Internet Detectives – what are your theories on this one?