GW: Rumor Engine Reveals

Games Workshop is here to confirm some of the new models teased from the Rumor Engine – check it out!
Those folks at Games Workshop can be quite sneaky and they have recently revealed a few of the models they teased with the Rumor Engine.
“Hey all,
Having been doling out sneak peeks on our Twitch channel the last few days, we are fresh out of rumours today. However, we thought it’d be good to let you know that some of Rumour Engine images we’ve already shown you have now been fully revealed.”
Remember this mysterious “Soul Orb”
Turns out it’s part of the new Discs of Tzeentch!
Or what about this faded out “Green Eye”
Surprise! It’s part of the new Tzeentch releases coming soon:
And last but not least were those pesky “Missing Keys”
We actually spotted this one yesterday but in case you missed it:
So those 3 mysteries are solved – I can’t wait to find out what other teasers and mysteries we get to solve in 2017!
So how close were you to those guesses?