Primarch Latest, Sororitas, Star Wars & More

It was a busy weekend on all fronts from GW to Star Wars to Warmachine. Take a look at what you missed:
40K Rumors: The Next Plastic Primarch is…
We’ve got rumors from several sources chiming in on what’s coming post Wrath of Magnus.
We Want Plastic Sisters – Not Placeholders!
One gamer knows what he wants and wonders why GW won’t just give in and take our money?
Hordes: New Trollbloods Command – Quick Peek
The first of the Mk.3 Faction books is here. Is your Kriel ready?
Codex Imperial Agents: Contents & Sororitas Rules
BoLS will be bringing you Codex Imperial Agents coverage all week. Today we peek inside the cover and learn the benefits of Adepta Sororitas.
FFG Releases: Welcome to Mandalore & Martial Law
Star Wars RPG players visit a familiar world, and Netrunner players slide into chaos this week form FFG.
GW: New Releases December 10 “Pricing & Links”
Codex Imperial Agents is up for Pre-order. Come see what else is in store this weekend from Games Workshop!
SW Armada: Imperial Arquitens Light Cruiser
The Empire’s newest Light Cruiser is on the way. Here’s the latest details from FFG:
40K: Thousand Sons Rules Are Fine, Thank You Very Much
Have you given the Thousand Son a shot yet or were you too busy listening to the naysayers?
~Ok, you’re all caught up – onto the new week!