Tabletop Podcast Review: December 25th

Adam here for this week’s podcast reviews. Let’s get to it!
Hey all, Adam here, from TFG Radio, for this week’s reviews! A lot of year end talk this week. With all that, lets get on with the reviews!
Independent Characters Episode 145 – This episode the crew talks about how to deal with toxic players in your gaming group. It is a very helpful episode that gives you ways to recognize a toxic player, along with possible ways to deal with that person. It is a very helpful episode and is a good resource for you if your group is unlucky enough to that type of player.
Heelanhammer Episdoe 165 – Very nice episode that ends the year with an interview with Jervis Johnson, from Games Workshop. They talk about his history with he company, how he got his start, and the evolution of Blood Bowl. It’s a nice talk about one of the first game designers for Games Workshop.
Why We Fight Episode 10 – With the upcoming change to a 4th edition, the gang start to go over the new rules for Flames of War. They begin to talk about the differences in the new rules compared to the previous edition, and how that would affect gameplay. This is the first part of a multi part episode about 4th edition. If you are interested in the new edition, give this a listen.
Black Sun Weekly 12/16 – Short episode with an announcement of a change of format. Expect shorter episodes and a weekly release but not with all the hosts.
40K Arena Episode 5 – Undercard is a squad of Thousand Sons Rubric Marines vs 2 Cronos’. Main event features Ogryns vs Grotesques
Combat Phase Episode 176 – This episode celebrates 10 years of the serialization of the Horus Heresy. With tons of interviews of people from different areas experience (authors, podcasts, players) this episode comes in at a whopping 8 hours! I must admit it is a bit much and wonder why they couldn’t break it up to smaller chunks, however, this will give you all the heresy you will need for a while.
Also Out This Week.
9th Realm Episode 24 (AoS)
Adeptus Terra Episode 28 (40K)
Age of Darkness Episode 45 (30K)
Behind Enemy Lines Episode 31 (FoW)
Canhammer Episode 94 (40K)
Chain Attack S2 Episode 27 (Warmachine)
Chapter Tactics Episode 14 (40K)
Combosmite Episode 138 (Warmachine)
Cosing a Problem Episode 9 (Warmachine)
Crippled System Episode 183 (Warmachine)
Crusader’s Call Episode 10 (Warmachine)
Eye of Horus Episode 85 (30K)
Facing the Grey Tide Episode 47 (40K)
Forge the Narrative Bonus Episode 18 (40K)
Forge the Narrative Bonus Episode 19 (40K)
Fully Boosted Episode 25 (Warmachine)
Hobby Night in Canada Episode 68 (General)
Lost Aspect Episode 10 (Warmachine)
Master of the Forge Episode 78 (40K)
Masters of the Forge: Altar of War Episode 1 (40k)
Mayacast Episode 113 (Infinity)
Mob Rules Episode 39 (40K)
Mynock Squadron Episode 48 (X-Wing)
Overlords Episode 197 (40K)
Overlords Episode 198 (40K)
Overlords Episode 199 (40K)
Overlords Episode 200 (40K)
Scrumcast Episode 23 (Warmachine)
Scrumcast Episode 24 (Warmachine)
Storm Chamber Episode 11 (Warmachine)
TDH60M Episode 60 (Warmachine)
TDH60M Episode 61 (Warmachine)
As always, check out our blog, at TFG Radio, and give the podcast a listen. We talk 40K mainly but delve into other game systems. This week we talk about the our recent tournament, changes to our army, how the 40K universe celebrates the holidays, and the yearly reading of the Wurstfest document!
Have a different opinion? Post in the comments below or email me at [email protected] and let me know!