X-Wing: Starkiller Survivor Squad

It’s time for the survivors of the Assault on the Starkiller base to get some action on the tabletop!
Force Awakens Spoilers ahead – but you probably knew that already…
Alright X-Wing Aces, after watching Rogue One and re-watching the Force Awakens I got inspired to create a theme list featuring some of the survivors of the Star Killer Base Assault. I wanted to stick to the T-70 X-Wings and those pilots because they look pretty awesome. Plus it’s pretty easy to fit 3 of them in a list which seems like a good number to manage. So lets get started!
Nien Nunb T-70 X-Wing – 34 Points
- R3-A2
- Rage
- Autothrusters
Nien Nunb is cool under pressure. I but I think deep down he’s got some anger issues. Plus his pilot ability works extremely well with Rage!
Basically, Nien Nunb can zoom in, pop Rage with no negative effects (if he’s within range 1 of an enemy ship and they are in his firing arc) AND he can toss them a stress for fun. A like the idea of a focus and re-rolls with basically no down sides. I put Autothrusters on him as well – who doesn’t like free evades?!
“Snap” Wexley T-70 X-Wing – 35 Points
- R2 Astromech
- Primed Thrusters
- Predator
- Autothrusters
“Snap” Wexley is one of those ships that is deceptively fast. That free boost action will allow him to get into and out of some excellent firing positions. Couple that with the Barrel Roll action and he’s quite nimble. Aside from that, the R2 droid and Primed Thrusters should keep him moving around and executing actions stress free.
Predator is there for the free re-rolls and Autothrusters is there because it’s a great defensive boost.
Jess Pava T-70 X-Wing – 31 Points
- M9-G8
- Primed Thrusters
- Autothrusters
Jess Pava is a relative newcomer to the scene but she’s an excellent wingman to fly with. Ideally, she’s getting at least 1 re-roll on the attack and defense side of the house. Couple that with M9-G8’s ability to work either offense or defense and the boost from Autothrusters and she’s surprisingly difficult to shoot down. Primed Thrusters are also there to help with Stress for a few turns.
Now, I’m sure a lot of folks are looking at this list and thinking, “Well that’s nothing special…what gives?” and that’s the point! These 3 pilots aren’t what I’d consider a very gimmicky list. No, it takes some genuine piloting skill from the players to actually get these ships to work. That doesn’t mean that this list is bad – it doesn’t have a magic bullet, but it is a really good list to fly with!
If you think about the movie and the Starkiller Base Assault everyone knew that Poe was going to be the one that got the kill shot. But these 3 pilots were good enough to survive against the odds and live to tell the tale. They are all solid options and while they might not get all the attention or glory they will get the job done. That’s what I like about them and that’s what I like about this list.
While it might not have any of my typical gimmicks or tricks, it also doesn’t have any glaring weaknesses. Each X-Wing has a respectable 3 die primary attack, is tough enough to survive a few hits and maneuverable enough to dogfight with the best of them…provided you know how to fly them well.
I’d fly with them – and so should you!
If you’re just learning to play X-Wing I’d suggest trying this squadron out. If you can master the basics with these ships you can surely handle some of the more complex ships. Even Poe Dameron had to start somewhere!
It’s a meat-and-potato style list for the Rebels – Do you have a go-to list for learning the ropes?