40K BREAKING: Plastic Lord of Change!
2 Minute Read
Jan 8 2017

GO GO GO – Look what just popped up! Praise Tzeentch.
After 18 months of hints and rumors that a plastic Lord of Change was on the way today is the day!
You can see the scale of the big bird from the Brimstone Horrors at it’s feet. GW adds the following details:
- Sculpted by Mark Harrison.
- This towering Daemon of Tzeentch stands as tall as a Bloodthirster and sits alongside Magnus, Nagash and the Imperial Knight as one of the most iconic and imposing centerpiece miniatures in the whole Citadel range.
- Every inch of this model is dripping in detail: esoteric runes, staring eyes, magical books, arcane scrolls and more besides – it’s a painter’s dream, especially when combined with the myriad colour schemes that Tzeentch’s greatest daemonic champions lend themselves to.
- The kit can also be used to create Kairos Fateweaver.
The kit is coming later in January as part of Age of Sigmar’s Disciples of Tzeentch battletome.
~What do you think?

Author: Larry Vela