40K Deep Thought: Who Should Die In Gathering Storm

GW is aiming to shake up the Grimdark all this year. Who should make the ultimate sacrifice for the plot to advance?
Now let’s get something out of the way. Very few folks stay dead in the 40th millennia. That said 30K is extremely popular and technically they are all dead over on that side of things. In a universe where people can be summoned back from the dead, lost in the warp for thousands of years, or miraculously heal in an stasis field – there’s a lot of artistic leeway for what GW can do for characters.
Here’s our list of who should not make it out of 2017 and why:
Lucius the Eternal. The smugger they are, the better their fall and Lucius is up there in the total jerk department. Remember, as long as he gets it from someone or thing that takes no pleasure in the act – he’s not coming back. I hope he slips on a banana peel and gets stepped on by a titan without the crew even knowing… Plus, there are already too many Emperor’s Children characters.
Commander Dante. He’s been with us for decades and GW keeps going out of it’s way to mention he’s the oldest living chapter master with a dark destiny to save the Master of Mankind only he can see. In a latter-day version of Horus vs Sanguinus – it would be great for him to go down swinging to stick it to Abaddon at the foot of the Golden Throne.
Prince Yriel. There’s a new Eldar god of death being born, he’s got a finecast mini, and still holding onto that cursed spear he was told NOT TO PICK UP – OR ELSE. I think he’s on the short list…
Ursarkar Creed – I know, that’s cheating, but he’s already out….
Farsight OR Shadowsun – This grudgematch has been building up for a decade now. I don’t know or really care who makes it out alive, but it would be extra dramatic and give a reason for a major advancement of the Tau race’s fluff one way or the other.
Justicar Thawn – Come one folks, this one is too easy. An immortal Grey Knight who won’t stay dead with a destiny to die surrounded by warriors at the foot of the Golden Throne.
Tyranids – Any and all – they will just breed better ones in the next codex.
Inquisitor Karamazov – He’s got an old unweildy mini, and is one of the less interesting Inqusitors. Hopefully he can die heroically and fall on some important villain – SPLAT!
Remember clearing out some of the existing characters opens up room for cool new ones.
~ Who do you think should bite the bucket and why?