40K: Just Let People Enjoy Things

Pimpcron is preaching Peace. Or is he?
Your idol, soul mate and guiding light, Pimpcron is here today with words of peace and unity. With the hostile political climates, Facebook arguments, and general craziness we have going on today, there’s something I think you should hear.
Let People Play The Way They Want To
No matter how people play 40k, let them play the way they want to enjoy themselves. As I’ve said a hundred times, this game is a stress reliever for me and many of you. It’s just a game, so take it easy and let your friends play how they want.
If They Bring The Latest Net List, Let Them
Not every player is equally skilled. If your friend needs to rely on others to make his lists because he isn’t creative enough to make his own, just let him. His parents and the public school system failed him in nurturing his ability to think critically. It’s not his fault he’s a bit slow. You see, the Chaos Gods love everyone equally, no matter how unoriginal they are. we just have to understand that many players generally suck at life and can’t grasp higher ideas such as adding points and reading rules to find synergies.
“It’s a fun list, I swear!”
You really shouldn’t judge someone who constantly needs the group-think of the internet to point him in the right direction in the most basic of strategy. Just be kind.
If They Play Eldar or Necrons, Let Them
If your friend plays Eldar, you should pity him. Let him bring his cheesy army. Think about this for a second, he is willing to buy, assemble, and paint an army of sissy elves just for a win. He’s willing to throw away all of his friendships for a cheap and unfulfilling win. That is a level of desperation that is sad to see, and you just have to let it run its course.
If he wants to play Necrons and literally have the game win itself for him, there’s nothing you can do. Just be understanding that he is not very good. He needs this powerful army to fill in the gaps of his personality and skill. We must treat these people with kindness and respect. We need to gently overlook all of the Necron and Eldar players’ weaknesses and deficiencies as humans. It’s the right thing to do.
If They Only Enjoy Winning, Let Them
If you play with a “friend” who is a WAAC player, just let him win. He has obviously been damaged by someone in his life and needs this game as a vent for his frustrations. If a robot has a broken leg, can you blame him for walking in a circle? No, he has been damaged and can’t help himself. Such is the WAAC player’s existence. Some sort of deep-seeded self loathing has gripped them due to some past transgression against him. We should pity him more than all of the others combined because he is truly a broken man.
“This is all that I have in life.”
Please treat him with understanding and a tender attitude. He doesn’t just want to win, he NEEDS to win. Just be the bigger person and let him steamroll you for the sake of the laundry list of mental issues he has. You see, with understanding and forgiveness, we can allow these misfit people to continue playing our game. This may be the closest thing to therapy they will ever get.
If They Never Paint Their Models, That’s Okay
So what if your friend had an all gray army due to his four thumbs and one backwards index finger on each hand? You can’t just go around making fun of people for genetic issues. I won’t stand for it. Some people are really good at painting, while others just don’t have the knack. Sure, they probably haven’t tried. And sure they are probably just lazy. Okay, yeah, they probably have tons of time to paint and they choose not to. So what?
“If I ever wanted to paint minis, I’d have to cut out at least 3 of my daily naps.”
It’s none of our business if they want their models to look unfinished. Maybe there is an all-gray plastic Space Marine Chapter out there. You don’t know. I think it’s being a bit smug of you to make fun of these lazy gamers who refuse to put even a primer color on their models. It’s not any of your concern that they don’t care that their unpainted army makes the whole board look weird. You have to be much more compassionate to this unskilled demographic of our gaming society.
All You Need Is Love
This is the twenty-first century and I can’t sit idly by while all of you game-shame these people for all of the deficiencies in their mental and social areas. These players need to be treated with gentleness, like the way you’d treat a dumb puppy. We need to unify together as a loving gaming community and stop bad-mouthing these poor, stupid, ugly, awkward, lazy, ignorant gamers.
It’s what the Emperor would want.
[Disclaimer]: Necrons were my first army and I still love them. And yes, I use them to fill the gaps in my under-developed personality. 😀