BREAKING: New Eldar Formations/ Minis Image

There’s a new set of images doing the rounds from the upcoming Eldar book. Take a close look:
Before we start, you are going to need to squint on this one. Get out your eldar/dark/eldar/harlequin codexes and a magnifying glass. You’ll need them.
images via Dakka’s Guru 1-25-2017
These teensy images are probably from the upcoming White Dwarf preview of Fracture of Biel-Tan.
Soul-boand Vanguard
I think it’s Dire Avengers, Incubi and Wyches. Pull out your magnifying glass and give it a try.
Aeldari Bladehost
Looks like Harlequins, Wyches and some other Craftworld models on the left (Storm Guardians?). 2 Special rules. Looks to be a close combat formation.
Lower Image
I see all three of the new Aeldari models leading Craftworld forces (maybe Harlequins on the middle right) against a set of both Slaaneshi and Khorne Daemons.
All three of the usual suspects are in here:
There’s a lot more to be worked out and discovered in these images. Put on your sleuthing hats.
~Have at it. More as we get it.