Fritz’s Tabletop: 40K Konversion Korner

Painting, playing, collecting, tactics, and narrative are all part of 40k. What about converting some of the models in your collection?
Painting, playing, collecting, tactics, and narrative are all aspects of the Warhammer 40,000 hobby. As games we naturally gravitate to one or a few over the others, but there is always room to explore more with our model collection.
What about converting some of the models in your collection?
Although I consider myself as a tactical player first, I always enjoy playing against themed 40K armies, especially ones that have a fantastic center piece or converted unit(s).
The community is amazing at creating these technological terrors going from idea to reality on the tabletop.
Here are a few from recent games that I have had the fun of fighting against or alongside…
Behold the Mistress of Pleasure! So many pipes and spikes in pink! She held off an entire side of the table against a Space Marine strike force before going nova in an explosion of pain and fury.
My 40K gaming buddy ROB has an amazing Dark Mechanicus army which is a regular team up with my Berserkers of Skallathrax Chaos Space Marine army. I deliver him the prisoners and slaves of battle for his experiments, and in return he makes sure my warband is up to date on the latest Dark Mechanicus machines and models.
What about converting vehicles and terrain to fit the theme of your army?
Or even more common models that we see all the time, making them uncommon?
For even more 40K conversions check out my friends at EX PROFUNDIS.