Fritz’s Tabletop: Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team

Explore the skirmish side of Warhammer 40,000 – by looking at yourmodels through the perspective of Kill Team play…
As miniature gamers we naturally want to get the most out of our model collection- normal sized games and super sized games are fun, but what about skirmish sized games?
In this week’s tabletop post let’s explore the skirmish side of Warhammer 40,000 by looking at our models through the perspective of Kill Team play…
The core rules are the same, the models familiar, but it puts your army in a new light of play, forcing new tactics and ways of battling out in the Grimdark future…
Tactically, the first adjustment is the small number of models, and that although they are going to work as a fire and support team, they are on their own. No triple land raiders, multiple flyers, and dual-death starts to back them up. Only a fellow battle brother, and faith in the Immortal God Emperor of Mankind.
What makes a great game of Kill Team? Exploring the 40K narrative from the opposite of your local meta.
What are the best units for a Kill Team game? What models can you customize for it? Let’s check out my Khorne themed kill team and the tactics behind each model. (Further tactica and battle reports can be found on my Kill Team blog here.)
~Hail Horus!