Geekery: Lucas’ Museum Finds a Home

The legendary director’s massive collection of art and memorabilia is moving to LA with a museum you have to see to believe.
George Lucas has finally chose a site for his Museum of Narrative Art – Los Angeles. The $1 billion facility will house 10,000 pieces from Lucas’ personal collections of fine and popular art, and his collection of Star Wars related items. It contains pieces from Rockwell, R. Crumb, and N.C. Wyeth as well as memorabilia from a wide range of movies. The collection will focus on the art of visual story telling.
The design – seated on 7 acres next to the Memorial Coliseum – looks like it’s ready to take off and go to a galaxy far, far away…
The design is byMa Yansong of MAD – a Chinese architecture firm. They also did the design for the museum when it was proposed to be built in Chicago.
The museum has been in search of a home for over 10 years. Initially it was going to be built outside of San Fransisco, then Chicago. Now it hopes to call LA home if the city and its residents approve it. If they do, ground breaking is set for the end of the year, and will hopefully be open in 2021.
I was kinda hoping for a crashed Death Star, but this will do. If it gets built it’ll be a must see for film nerds.