Getting the Most Bang for Your Psychic Buck: FTN

We get specific with one of the Gathering Storm Relics we talked about last week and how it applies to the 40K Imperial Soup.
Its neat to be able to look back at older releases every time we get new stuff in our hands.
Yo Everyone,
We talk a little about the new GW boxed game, Gangs of Commorragh, in the first part of this show. We have a full review of the game in our articles section too. Check it out here.
The we get into army design talking about a listener submitted Imperial Knight idea using some new technology out of the Gathering Storm book. Basically, you take knight formation that allows you to upgrade a character to be able to hold a Relic and then equip him with one of the new Gathering Storm do-dads.
As mentioned, its really nice being able to get more use out of the models you may already have and incorporate some of the new stuff at the same time. The back part of the show is a recording I did with Horton Doughton. We tackle a pretty interesting subject – effective casting dice for Psychic Powers. Even if you think you’ve got this part figured out, I think you’re still going to enjoy it. We get down to the brass tacks on how many dice you should be throwing at each power. We go one step farther and give specifics on how that applies to when you’re casting on 3+ and then 2+.
Most people have their own dice voo-doo for deciding how to cast. We remove a little of that mystery and even give a few tips on how/when to attempt to deny the witch.
The Finishing Moves segment is sponsored by Frontline Gaming. They have a ton of good stuff coming out over the next few month and we are excited to be a part of helping them promote it and their events.
The FM’s this week is all about using stencils. This, depending on your patience with them, can be infuriating! We give you some tips on how to make this task a little less daunting and get some impressive effects on your figures.
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Paul Murphy – Host
Justin Troop – troopsmash
Christopher Morgan – captain morgan
Adam Abramowicz – Beyond the Brush Studios
Andrew Whittaker