GW: Designing the Triumvirate of the Imperium

Warhammer TV sits down with the designers of the Triumvirate to talk about their creation!
Games Workshop peels the curtain back and talks shop about the design behind the Triumvirate of the Imperium with Studio Designers Steve Buddle and Jes Goodwin. If you’ve ever been curious about the process that goes into creating models then it’s a really good watch:
via Warhammer TV
“Jes Goodwin and Steve Buddle give a commentary about sculpting the new Triumvirate of the Imperium.”
If you want to take a look at a particular model they start at the following markers:
Belisarius Cawl (0:22)
Inquisitor Greyfax (6:10)
Saint Celestine (10:52)
It’s great to hear the story behind the models and also hear about some of the crazy design options they looked at before. For example with Belisarius Cawl they wanted to have a centaur/centipede vibe but also still wanted a “bloke inside there somewhere.” I personally love these types of “behind the scenes” style videos. It’s like watching a movie with the directors commentary. You get to hear about why they did certain things and maybe a crazy story about the set or two.
I really hope GW puts out more of these videos for all their big kits – I’d love to heat the story behind the new Lord of Change!
If you could hear the “behind the scenes” story of any model, which one would you pick?