GW: Rumor Engine “Rumor Raygun”
2 Minute Read
Jan 11 2017

Games Workshop teases a new mystery from the Rumor Engine – It’s one fancy looking side-arm!
“Well this looks interesting…”
Interesting indeed! Let’s break it down:
- The “gun” has some interesting shapes on it and almost looks like it’s designed to “open” – perhaps into a bow-type weapon.
- Those blue “fur” spikes are really throwing me off – possibly a Tzeentch connection.
- The half-moon with a circle is a very Slaaneshi icon:
- But it’s also similar to Tzeentch:
- The color palette certainly looks Tzeentchian…but perhaps that is all just to throw us off their trail.
- It IS Tzaanuary.
- Vibe wise, I think it’s probably something from AoS instead of 40k.
So internet, what do you think it is?

Author: Adam Harrison