Overview: No Quarter #70 “Grind Time!”

Come take a look inside the covers of the Febuary No Quart – It’s Grind-Time!
No Quarter is back with another jam-packed edition and this one has a heavy focus on the brutal arena game from Privateer Press: GRIND!
Grind is a steam-punk grid iron game where two teams compete with warbeasts & ‘jacks alike to score points and dominate the field. This No Quarter had lots of tips on league play, team construction and (my personal favorite) a full run down of constructing your own Grind Arena!
Even though the majority of the monthy magazine was focused on Grind, it still had quite a few of the recurring features. It had another great Gavin Kyle Files as well as the continuing Iron Kingdoms Uncharted series.
The Tournament Triple Threat was Cyngar focused and had three lists that could easily hold their own given the right scenario and player skill. I particularly liked the Attrition list because it featured quite a few heavy warjacks that could take a beating and dish it out.
I also liked the Hammerfall Theme lists – I don’t play Mercs but I’m always interested in seeing how they “work” on the table. Overall, this was yet another great issue and it should be on available for purchase this weekend!
No Quarter Issue #70 $8.50
No Quarter #70 makes its way downfield with a winning roster of new content. Featuring the new edition of GRIND™, this issue provides you with all the rules you need to bring your favorite warjacks and warbeasts back to the Destructodome. Want to read about the gameplay in an exhibition match? We got your covered with a GRIND battle report. Wondering how we made our GRIND arena? Our extended GRIND edition of Modeling & Painting provides all the knowledge you need to build your own board. All this, plus a new Tournament Triple Threat on Cygnar, a Gavyn Kyle File on Tanith, the next installment of “Iron Kingdoms Uncharted,” and so much more!
Know your army. Know your enemy. No Quarter.
Go check out the Grind team-construction rules…mix and match your custom team!