AoS: Hammerhal: The Twin-Tailed City

Games Workshop explores the city of Hammerhal, the setting from the next Warhammer Quest Game!
Shadows over Hammerhal is the next “board” game coming out from Games Workshop set in the realms of Age of Sigmar. But this boxed game is shaping up to be something very different from it’s predecessor. First off, we have the return of the Game Master position for one of the players. This is a definite throwback to the early days of Warhammer.
Now, we’re learning more about the background of the city of Hammerhal. Personally, I love this type of lore because it starts to make the setting feel more “real” because it gives us a glimpse at the more mundane day-to-day world. It’s the same reason I was excited to see those shipping crates for Warhammer 40,000!
The city of Hammerhal springs forth after the forces of Sigmar won a decisive victory in the Seasons of War campaign last summer. What’s cool about this city (and the reason it’s twin-tailed) is because it actually sits on a Realmgate! It connects two realms – the Fire realm of Aqshy and the ever-growing green realm of Ghyran.
With Shadows over Hammerhall we’ll see a map of the city and with an insert of the Cinderfall District. This is where a lot of the “above ground” action is going to take place. You’ll also get a birds-eye view of some of the grand Sigmarite cathedrals and the dwellings of the city’s populous.
What intrigues me the most about this game now is the backstory of this city and what the adventurers are going to be doing here. Fortunately we’ll get our hands on 30 pages describing all that and more! I’m also starting to wonder if Games Workshop is going to keep producing content like this for Warhammer Quest (I sure hope so). If it expands the “game world” will there be a point at which they could even release a Realm Guide so folks could play a new Role-Playing Game in that setting.
Think about it – we have a new “Game Master” Role (with a DM Screen!), an odd assortment of “bad guys” to fight, more maps & background info and it’s all packages within an “RPG-lite” board game system. Where have we seen that before?
Somebody get me my Board Sword.
If you’d like to learn more about the city and setting of Warhammer Quest: Shadows over Hammerhal, pop over to the Warhammer Community site and check out their article about the city HERE.
Is this the start of a new “Open World” setting for all those Role-Players to dive into?