Geekery: Creating Grand Moff Tarkin

One of the impressive feats in Rogue One: resurrecting Peter Cushing.
It seems that digital Grand Moff Tarkin (played by Peter Cushing, who died in 1994) was too creepy, and Rogue One didn’t pick up an Oscar for visual effects on Sunday night. It went to talking animals, instead. ILM did, however, pick up an award for the years of work behind the tech that created him. Kiran Bhat, Michael Koperwas, Brian Cantwell and Paige Warner picked up a Technical Achievement Award for the design and development of the ILM facial performance-capture solving system.
That system is explained here:
A little more about that life cast they scanned: it was created by make-up Supervisor Stuart Freeborn for Top Secret! in 1984 to create the prosthetic for his role as the bookstore owner.
It’s more creepy than digital Peter Cushing.
You’re welcome for the nightmares.
Rogue One will be out on BluRay and DVD April 4th.